Weighbridge Configurations

The following list of configurations is not exhaustive, but a representation of the most ‘standard’ sizes and their typical application.

5m 5m 30t Axle weighing
5.2m 5.2m 30t Axle weighing
6m 6m 30t Axle weighing
8m 8m 40t Axle/split weighing
10m 10m 40t Split weighing
18m 18m 60t Minimum for semi in single weight
20m 20m 60t Recommended for semi
20m MD 10m + 10m 60t As above with axle weight capability
26m SF 5 x 5.2m 120t Portable weighbridge solution
28m 28m 120t Most popular on farm - B-Double
30m 30m 90t As above
30m SD 6m + 24m 90t As above w/axle weights
30m MD 2 x 5m + 2 x 10m 100t As above w/axle weights
36m 18m + 18m 120t Multi-fill on semi
36m 6m + 30m 120t Axle weight on B Doubles
40m 20m + 20m 140t Accommodate double road train
46m 28m + 18m 150t Road trains, on bridge filling
48m 24m + 24m 150t As above

* ‘Standard’ capacity at which the indicated device will be configured to ‘blank out’ per NMI requirements. Additional capacity can be achieved at time of verification upon request. Each load cell has a total capacity of 30t.

** ‘Indicative only

Find the right weighbridge solution for your industry

To discuss your requirements call 1300 464 447 or complete our enquiry form.